Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Classical Greece Discussion

I looked at Leslie's and Lindsay's blogs for the lesson about the Classical Greek Civilization.  I really enjoyed reading Leslies blog because it was very in depth and actually taught me some things that I hadn't previously learned.  She took a step further and talked a lot about the classical orders and architecture of Classical Greece.  I previously knew about the 3 most common classical orders, Doric, Ionic and Corinthian, but didn't really know the meanings and background about each of those.  Leslie showed me which was more feminine, delicate, decorative and that Doric columns have been around the longest.  She also posted a great video that mentions the other two classical orders that aren't very common.  It was a cool change to watch something different than just reading.  I chose Lindsay's blog because she focused on the Parthenon and the Greece motif and key like I did. She chose modern day applications that showed great examples of the Greek motif/key and how it can be used in textiles, furniture and paintings. 

You can view their blogs here:

Leslie: http://www.history1lad.blogspot.com/
Lindsay: http://www.history1lcb.blogspot.com/

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