Monday, March 17, 2014

Italian Renaissance

This was the period of REBIRTH.  The word Renaissance truly means "rebirth".  This era took place between the 24th century and the 16th century.  The rebirth originated in Tuscany and later spread to Florence, Siena and Venice.  They took inspiration from the Ancient Greeks and Romans.  Residential design became more prominent during this time and they became more focused on humanism. 

One of the greatest achievements of the Renaissance is the Palazzo. The Medici family had a lot of power and influence that helped progress the city.  The Palazzo Medici Riccardi in Florence Italy is one of the most well known Palazzos'.  (Pictured to the left)

Many Palazzos' could be found in a Piazza which is the town square during the Renaissance.  They are usually lined with cafes and shops and are where most people gather for festivals, political events and celebrations. 

The Piazza San Marco is pictured to the right.  Most Piazzas' were very centralized and had very distinctive facades. Most buildings had three levels and incorporated pillars, domes, arches, columns and entablatures. 

Italian Renaissance furniture was very similar to the Greeks and Romans.  Wood was very popular material to use.  The detail of the furniture was impeccable, incorporating carvings and beautiful fabrics just as previous centuries did.

This video is a great resource to see different examples of the Italian Renaissance architecture style.
Here are some current applications of Italian Renaissance design:
Living Room

Palazzo Bontadosi Hotel, Italy

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