Monday, April 14, 2014

French Period Discussion

For the French period, I looked at Megan S' blog.  I like how we talked about similar attributes of the French period, yet I learned some new things as well. She talked about the Salon de la familie and how it is a statement space and uses lots of bright colors and ornamentation.  I also looked at Kristina M's blog.  It was interesting how she started out by showing a picture from each of the styles during the French Period.  It allowed me to see a difference yet a similarity between the bunch.  I also learned that the Vaux-le-Vicomte was designed to test materials and design styles before the Palais de Versailles was built.  Also, it was easy to see a difference in style from her Then and Now picture comparisons. 

You can view their blogs here:
Megan S:

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