Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Byzantine Empire Discussion

I looked at Emily P's blog as well as Samantha's blog.  Emily taught me that out of 150 churches in Athens, 24 have survived virtually intact and that 85 have been destroyed.  It's amazing to hear that so many churches have survived even though 24 sound like such a small number.  With the amount of resources they had back then, I would have thought less than that would have lasted.  I really enjoyed her pictures of the modern Byzantine interiors.  They were very colorful and detailed.  Samantha talked about how she likes the Byzantine style because she enjoys geometric shapes and tiled walls.  I like that she tied in her own person style with the Byzantine look.  She really showed this by giving modern applications that have lots of geometric, tiled walls.

You can view their blogs here:

Emily P: http://www.history1evp.blogspot.com/
Samantha: http://www.history1skf.blogspot.com/

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