Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Early Christian Discussion

Melanie's blog grabbed my attention because she somewhat tells a story with her blog rather than just listing facts about this time period.  She mentioned how the Christians used concepts that the Romans used but modified them to focus on the one God.  The picture that Melanie used to show the difference in Basilica's really helped me understand the Christians concept better.  Just by adding the transcepts on both sides of the Basilica, it becomes a whole new shape.  She also talked about the mosaic motifs, which I had not in my blog, so it was nice to read about something different.  Megan D's blog also talked about the style of the churches and how they used the style of the Dome which was inspired from the Roman mausoleums.  I like her examples of the churches by showing a drawing of the monument as well as showing the design of the outside.

You can view their blogs here:

Megan D:

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