Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Pompeii Discussion

I reviewed Rachael and Sammy's blogs.  I picked Rachael's blog for this unit because she talked about completely different things than I did.  Rachael informed me that there are four styles of wall paintings, which I had not known previous to reading her blog.  She also mentioned how Pompeii had a very common style for their Forum that many cities now have today.  The picture she used really shows how similar current day forums look compared to back then.  Sammy took a different approach and talked about the arrangement of houses and how they were more suited for privacy and space.  The furniture examples she used seem to be very similar to modern times.  This shows how much influence we took for Italy.

You can view their blogs here:

Rachael: http://www.history1rap.blogspot.com/
Sammy: http://www.history1sjn.blogspot.com/

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